The iPad accelerometer and gyroscope

The iPad accelerometer and gyroscope

A. Significantly shorten battery life
B. Were originally in the iPad design, but are now of little use
C. sense six degree-of-freedom motion
D. Provide three-axis information to the CPU

Answer: C

The advantage of capacitive sensing is that

The advantage of capacitive sensing is that

A. It can more precisely locate the point of touch
B. It allows multiple touches to be detected at the same time
C. it allows you to point with your toes as well as your fingers
D. It requires less power than other types of touch screens

Answer: B

What is not an advantage of high-level code

What is not an advantage of high-level code 

A. It produces the most compact run-time code
B. It improves programmer productivity
C. It is closer to natural language
D. It allows machine independence

Answer: A

What is the job of an assembler?

What is the job of an assembler? 

A. It translates high-level source code into assembly language
B. It produces binary machine instructions from the assembly code text
C. It translates source code into byte code
D. It translates high-level source code into machine instructions
E. It executes machine instructions
F. It optimizes loop structures
G. It translates assembly instructions into machine instructions

Answer: B, G

What is the job of an assembler

What is the job of an assembler

A. Run assembly code
B. Translate assembly code into machine language
C. Link together code modules into a single executable module
D. Translate source code in to assembly code

Answer: B

The principle of prediction is based on the idea that

The principle of prediction is based on the idea that 

A. It is better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.
B. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
C. If you don't succeed at first, try, try again.
D. You should eat dessert first.

Answer: A

Moore's Law

Moore's Law

A. Gives expectations of how chip capacity will change about every two years
B. Relates the progress on the number of transistors per chip over time
C. Relates power consumed by a device to capacitive load, voltage and switching frequency
D. Shows that latency is more expensive to improve than bandwidth or throughput
E. Underscores the importance of parallelism
F. states that performance improvements are limited by the kind of problem you are solving
G. Says that you should optimize tasks that are frequently performed

Answer: A, B

Understanding the hardware layer.

Understanding the hardware layer.

A. builds character
B. makes you a better programmer
C. provides for a steady income
D. is the key to an early retirement

Answer: B

Each time the cost of computing goes down.

Each time the cost of computing goes down.

A. It is more difficult for hackers to create effective exploits.
B. The cost of big IT project failure goes up.
C. The risks associated with processor failure increase.
D. New market opportunities put processors into new areas of business and life.

Answer: D