Currently, the House Types field is in the ROWS area, the Real Estate Agent field is in the COLUMNS area, and Sum of List Prices is in the VALUES area. How can you modify the PivotTable to display the agent names as subcategories within the house types in the first column?

Currently, the House Types field is in the ROWS area, the Real Estate Agent field is in the COLUMNS area, and Sum of List Prices is in the VALUES area. How can you modify the PivotTable to display the agent names as subcategories within the house types in the first column?

A. Drag the House Types field from the ROWS area and drop it below the Real Estate Agent field in the COLUMNS area.

B. Drag the Real Estate Agent field from the COLUMNS area and drop it below the House Types field in the ROWS area.

C. Drag the Real Estate Agent field from the COLUMNS area and drop it above the House Types field in the ROWS area.

D. Drag the House Types field from the ROWS area to the FILTERS area and drag the Real Estate Agent field from the COLUMNS area to the ROWS area.

Answer: B. Drag the Real Estate Agent field from the COLUMNS area and drop it below the House Types field in the ROWS area.

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